Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas owns Det Norske Veritas Holding AS (100% owned), which fully owns the DNV Group AS. DNV Group AS is the parent company of the DNV group. With the exception of some financial transactions, Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas fulfils its purpose through the ownership of the DNV group.
Through Det Norske Veritas Holding AS and DNV Group AS, the foundation (Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas) owns a real estate company called Det Norske Veritas Eiendom AS (100% owned).
DNV Group AS
DNV Group AS is the parent company to the DNV group. If you want to learn more, please visit their website.
DNV Eiendom AS
Det Norske Veritas Eiendom AS is the real estate company owning the Veritas park and buildings at Høvik, Norway, with the headquarters of Stiftelsen Det Norske Veritas and DNV Group.